Short Wave radio isn't dead, there are still people with the equipment to tune in to these broadcasts. I've decided to give European SW listeners a Christmas present in the form of a special In The Groove.
The feedback was good, so I am going to consider a monthly or bi-monthly broadcast.
NEXT TRANSMISSION: to be decided
You can get in touch via the online contact form, or if you want to, you can put pen to paper and write to me at Philip England, 12 Wye Close, Swansea, SA1 7EU, UK
CATCH UP with this show and many others at www.philengland.com/catch-up
I had some reception reports from the following parts of the world for my first SW broadcast:
Chichester, UK
East Sussex, UK
Jiangsu Province, China
Enschede, Netherlands
Wuppertal, Germany
Ottenau, Germany
Valladolid, Spain
Samara region, Russia
Leibnitz, AUSTRIA
Thank you for tuning in and sending in your reception reports, it really means alot.
Webpage created by Philip England. Thank you for visiting this webpage, In The Groove 'the short wave project' is an off shoot from In The Groove radio show that I have been presenting for many years on various community, hospital and online stations. It is a labour of love which I enjoy, I make no money from it, so please consider making a donation